Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
"You call it luck. I call it preparation."
Illustrated by Izzy
Set | USD | |
Battlebond (bbd 119) | $0.11 |
Friday Night Magic 2001 (f01 11) | $40.47 |
From the Vault: Twenty (v13 5) | $1.31 |
Beatdown Box Set (btd 10) | $1.22 |
Visions (vis 34) | $0.75 |
World Championship Decks 1997 (wc97 jk34) | $0.41 |
Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning (ddn 63) | $0.33 |
World Championship Decks 1998 (wc98 rb34) | $0.25 |
Game Night: Free-for-All (gn3 30) | $0.15 |
The List (plst BBD-119) | $0.12 |
Dominaria Remastered (dmr 287) | $0.11 |
Dominaria United (dmu 55) | $0.11 |
Dominaria Remastered (dmr 56) | $0.08 |
Magic Online Promos (prm 36006) | -- |