Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put each of those cards into your hand instead.
Illustrated by Ekaterina Burmak
This printing was available in random slots among booster packs for this set.
This printing has the following treatments: extendedart
Set | USD | |
Core Set 2021 (m21 352) | $1.56 | |
Core Set 2021 (m21 69) | $0.57 | |
Core Set 2021 Promos (pm21 69s) | $1.01 | |
Core Set 2021 Promos (pm21 69p) | $0.49 | |
Magic Online Promos (prm 82022) | -- |